Two Peas in an RPOD

Meet Hope

Meet Hope

If you have been following my blog, you know that my hubby and I are now (finally!) empty-nesters. We must be on a roll because we recently achieved another goal – rather unexpectedly and a few years ahead of schedule. We bought a camper – an RPOD to be exact.

We love to travel and hike and prefer to stay in cabins in state parks rather than hotel rooms. In recent years we have discussed getting a small camper and, after visiting a local dealer, settled on an RPOD 177. It’s the perfect size for towing with our SUV – no need to upgrade to a big-ass truck. It’s the perfect size for two people – with enough room for a grandchild or two. (Our sons and significant others aren’t big on the outdoors.) So, we put an RPOD on our wish list and agreed that we would buy one “someday.”

It turns out that fate had other plans in mind. A few weeks ago, we drove home by a different route and, low and behold, there was an RPOD 177 – with a For Sale sign on it. Hubby took down the owner’s information, but that was pretty much the end of it; we had another one of our “someday” discussions and then moved on. A few days later, hubby asked “I wonder if the owner would accept less than he is asking?” I was doubtful since the price had already been marked down a couple of times but told him if he was interested, go for it. We met the owner, checked out the camper – which was in pristine condition – and negotiations began in earnest. A few days later, it was ours.

I think we are still a little stunned by our decision to go ahead and buy. We have vacillated between feelings of excitement and wondering what on earth we have done. However, excitement is gradually winning out.  :-)

We usually wind up naming our vehicles and hubby asked me on the drive home with it what the camper would be named. At the time, I had no idea but it came to me in a flash of understanding a few days ago. The camper’s name is Hope. Let me explain.

I frequently feel trapped by my life – sometimes to the point where I feel like I can’t breathe. Yes, most of the decisions that have led to where I am today have been intentional, but that still doesn’t change the way that I feel. Between working full-time, raising two sons, and now eldercare, I frequently wonder if there will ever be time in my life for me – and for doing the things that I want to do. I know, some of you are gasping in horror at my honesty, but there it is. I sometimes feel like my entire life is slipping away and I have lived all of it around other’s lives and their needs.

Buying this camper now, instead of in a few years, makes me feel like maybe the time for us is here – not still light years away. We are now making a list of things that we need for the camper and a list of places that we want to go. True, our eldercare responsibilities will keep us from wandering too far for any length of time, but still, we are making plans – for us. Now.

For the first time in a very long time, I don’t feel as trapped – and I face my future with Hope.

What have you done for yourself recently?


  1. Carrie Rubin says:

    Congrats on your purchase! Sounds like it came at the perfect time, and you more than deserve it. Caregiving responsibilities give us purpose, but they also leave us searching for self. Glad you were able to find a bit of yours. Enjoy!

  2. Ami says:

    I’m proud of you for doing something for yourself. Now, no falling into the trap of feeling selfish or guilty. You deserve this!!

    I recently ramped up my workout routine — from jogging / walking on incline to Jillian Michaels’ Body Revolution DVDs. I’m determined and committed — and already sore.

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